Organyc Organic Cotton Tampons Super - Moderate


• 100% certified organic cotton

• Free from wood pulp, plastics, bleach, perfumes, and dyes

• Cruelty free

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• 100% certified organic cotton

• Free from wood pulp, plastics, bleach, perfumes, and dyes

• Cruelty free

• 100% certified organic cotton

• Free from wood pulp, plastics, bleach, perfumes, and dyes

• Cruelty free


The Organyc super organic cotton non-applicator tampon is ideal for anyone who wants to avoid using synthetic materials in their period products. The Organyc tampon is made from 100% pure certified organic cotton with an organic cotton absorbent core. The organic cotton tampons are naturally breathable, hypoallergenic and ideal for people who suffer with sensitive skin. All Organyc cotton tampons are individually wrapped.

Organyc tampons are independently audited to ensure optimum quality and purity. Organyc organic cotton tampons do not contain perfumes, colouring agents or super absorbent polymers, guaranteeing that only 100% certified organic cotton which is free from chemical bleaching and chlorine has been used.

Organyc organic cotton tampons are certified Organic by ICEA, certified Vegan by VEGANOK. Cruelty free.

All of Organyc organic cotton tampons are biodegradable.

How to use

1.       Assume a comfortable position, with your muscles relaxed. One of the positions that allows easy access to the vaginal area is standing up, or with one foot on the toilet.

2.      Wash your hands and remove the outer packaging from the tampon. Make sure that the string is tied securely and attached to the tampon.

3.      Hold the tampon by the base between your thumbs and index finger. With the other hand, open the vaginal opening gently and place the rounded tip of the tampon in the vaginal orifice (the same opening from which the flow leaves the body). Insert it at a slant toward your back, all the way into your vaginal passage.

4.      The string will be hanging outside your body. When the tampon is correctly placed, you will not feel anything. If you feel uncomfortable it means that you have not inserted the tampon to a sufficient depth. You should try and push it in a little more, ensuring that you insert it deeply.

When to change the tampon

You should change your tampon every 4-8 hours. To remove the tampon, bend your knees slightly with your legs open and relax. Pull the string outside your body, in the same directly in which you inserted the tampon. Wrap in toilet paper and put in the bin. If you feel discomfort when removing the tampon and you can see white fibres, it may be that it is not saturated. Always use a tampon with an absorption capacity that is less than your flow. Always make sure that you have remove the last tampon before inserting another. Make sure that you remove the last tampon at the end of your period, and do not use tampons before or between periods.

  • 100% organic cotton absorbent core – Hypoallergenic

  • Sewn extractor cord – Maximum security

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